
Soft semi-cylindrical anti-bedsore heel cushion OSL-1310 Orliman

SKU: 10886


  • Description

Anti-bedsore heel cushion with anti-microbial properties to keep the
heel bone high and prevent any contact with the mattress, sheets, etc.
It does not absorb moisture, keeping the skin always dry and
improving heat control.
Made with flat seams to prevent possible chafing.
▍ Effects:
▪ Prevents the appearance of pressure ulcers or sores by eliminating
pressure on the heel.
▪ Reduces friction and shearing forces.
▪ Keeps the skin clean and dry, ensuring maximum comfort, hygiene
and breathability.
▪ Controls moisture.
▪ Promotes and facilitates patient rehabilitation.
▪ Provides better preventative and therapeutic care.
▍ Indications:
▪ People who spend long periods of time in the same position where
the calcaneus (heel), malleolus, plantar and dorsal area and toes are
in contact with the surface of the bed or subjected to constant friction
from bedding or rough surfaces.
▪ Haglund’s syndrome.
▪ Retrocalcaneal bursitis.
▪ Post-operative recovery in general.
▍ Colour:
OSL1308 / OSL1310: White.
OSL1309 / OSL1311: Grey.


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